31.10.2024, 18:00—21:00
Drawing is writing is drawing, From poetry to revolutionary strategies – Sandrine Morgante

10 pages de Walen Bourgeois buiten


The mas­ter­class Drawing is wri­ting is dra­wing, From poe­try to revo­lu­ti­o­na­ry stra­te­gies’ by artist Sandrine Morgante high­lights examples of poe­try and poli­ti­cal acti­on whe­re lan­gu­a­ge beco­mes a visu­al cre­a­ti­on becau­se it is dri­ven by the need for eman­ci­pa­ti­on and resistance.

Sandrine will intro­du­ce examples of her own work alongsi­de the research of poet-dra­wers such as Henri Michaux, Sophie Podolski, Emily Dickinson and the artists Leon Ferrari and Johanna Calle, who­se poli­ti­cal wri­ting beco­mes entang­led or dis­tor­ted to esca­pe cen­sor­ship. Sandrine will also show examples of recent wri­ting inter­ven­ti­ons in urban spa­ce, that den­oun­ces soci­al injus­ti­ce and call for mobi­li­sa­ti­on: femi­nist col­la­ges, calls for a boy­cott of Delhaize, calls for demon­stra­ti­ons to stop the ongo­ing geno­ci­de in Palestine, and so on. This in line with the visu­al cre­a­ti­ons of the pro­test move­ments of the 60s in France (Paris, Mai 68) and also in Belgium, in Leuven 1966 – 67

After an intro­duc­ti­on to the poli­ti­cal impli­ca­ti­ons of wri­ting in urban spa­ces, as well as in alter­na­ti­ve papers, the Masterclass will lead you to think and ela­bo­ra­te poli­ti­cal inter­pre­ta­ti­ons of slo­gan pro­tests, using various his­to­ri­cal and grap­hi­cal methods.

Sandrine’s new work « [Walen] Bourgeois bui­ten » can be seen at Lichtekooi Artspace in Antwerp, until 9 November. 

About the artist

Sandrine Morgante’s dra­wing prac­ti­ce draws on and ana­ly­ses a ran­ge of tex­tu­al sour­ces: inter­views, school essays, noc­tur­nal musings, per­so­nal accounts, a dysto­pi­an novel or a stu­dent poli­ti­cal paper. She is pas­si­o­na­te about the car­nal, embo­died dimen­si­on of wri­ting as the equi­va­lent of a voi­ce. Her work focu­ses on the idea of voi­ce in a broad sen­se: ora­li­ty and the act of spea­king, as well as the soci­al posi­ti­ons and rela­ti­ons­hips of power and desi­re

Sandrine grew up in the coun­try­si­de near Liège, and stu­died at La Cambre dra­wing depart­ment, Brussels, whe­re she has been a teacher’s assis­tant, befo­re star­ting a resi­d­en­cy at HISK in Gent. Her work has been shown among others at IKOB, WIELS, Art Contest, Boverie, SPACE and has had inter­na­ti­o­nal con­tri­bu­ti­ons to maga­zi­nes such as Archivio maga­zi­ne, Revue Roven, Kluger Hans, and TIM

Since 2022, she has been repre­sen­ted by Galerie Nadja Vilenne. In September 2024, Sandrine opens a solo show at Lichtekooi (Antwerp) whe­re she will exhi­bit work about the stu­dent revolts of 66 – 67 in Leuven, nar­ra­ted by a left-wing activist.

1 Emily Dickinson The Sea Said
2 Sophie Podolski Le pays ou tout est permis
3 Johanna Calle nuedos de no
4 Sedatif PC Tu te bats
5 Atelier populaire
6 Free Palestine
7 collage feministe
8 Le contre journal
9 Ons Leven
10 pages de Walen Bourgeois buiten


1. Emily Dickinson, The Sea Said, 1872

2. Sophie Podolski, Le pays où tout est per­mis, 1972

3. Johanna Calle, Nuevos de no, 2000

4. Sandrine Morgante, série Mélatonine, 2020

5. Affiche de l’Atelier popu­lai­re, mai 1968

6. Graffiti mani­fe­sta­ti­on, Free Palestine bd Anspach, Bruxelles, octo­b­re 2023

7. Collage fémi­nis­te, av. Fonsny, Bruxelles, 2022

8. Le Contre-jour­nal, n°3, Toulouse 1970

9. Couverture de Ons Leven, Louvain, novem­bre 1966

10. Pages de la publi­ca­ti­on « [Walen] Bourgeois bui­ten » Sandrine Morgante, 2024

Portrait cour­te­sy: Clémence Bernard