12.12.2024, 18:00—23:00
Triple helix opening: ( ) in the Mountain, Ívar Glói and Siemen van Gaubergen

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On Thursday December 12th, Off the Grid is glad to inau­gu­ra­te ( ) in the Mountains col­lec­ti­ve-in-resi­d­en­cy pre­sen­ta­ti­on at Cas-co. The col­lec­ti­ve has been inves­ting the plat­for­m’s cen­tral spa­ce for the past three months with a monu­men­tal inter­ven­ti­on, tit­led How to Build a House (Windows and Doors)’.

When we look out­si­de the struc­tu­re of a home, what are we loo­king for? 


18:00 — doors open and drinks, Soft Launch by artist-in-resi­d­en­cy Ívar Glói Gunnarsson Breiðfjörð

19:00 — intro­duc­ti­on to the eve­ning, pre­sen­ta­ti­on by ( ) in the Mountain

20:00 — Glaciers are Anachronistic (Try-out), by Siemen van Gaubergen

21:00 — Musical inter­lu­de ( ) In the Mountain

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1( ) in the Mountain is a The Hague-based inter­na­ti­o­nal col­lec­ti­ve of eight artists (Jeremi Biziuk, Alicja Mackiewicz, Kiara Amartya, Hana Spillerová, Yan-Bing Wu, Mina Yee, Sixin Zeng, and Natsumi Sakai), recent­ly gra­du­a­ted from various Dutch art academies. 

In the con­text of their resi­d­en­cy at Off the Grid (September until December), they devel­oped How to Build a House with a second Chapter tit­led Windows and Doors. ( ) in the Mountain ask them­sel­ves, when we look out­si­de the struc­tu­re of a home, what are we loo­king for?

Their prac­ti­ce wel­co­mes what is often omit­ted, hid­den, or pus­hed asi­de, giving them­sel­ves and others artists a spa­ce for the qui­et, for all that often does not make its way to the fore­front. The col­lec­ti­ve attempts to bring their art prac­ti­ces clo­ser to their living envi­ron­ments. ( ) in the Mountain was esta­blis­hed in August 2022, and is cur­rent­ly based at De Besturing, an artist stu­dio com­plex in The Hague, NL.

Their resi­d­en­cy was kind­ly sup­por­ted by Stroom Den Haag and the European Union.

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2Ívar Glói Gunnarsson Breiðfjörð focu­ses in his recent work on the hyper-con­nec­ted world of mass auto­ma­ti­on, the standar­di­sa­ti­on of our envi­ron­ment and the search for authen­ti­ci­ty that fol­lows. Technology was sup­po­sed to sim­pli­fy our lives, but has actu­al­ly achie­ved the opposite.

In 2023, Ívar won the CAS-CO BAC award. The pri­ze is awar­ded annu­al­ly to a pro­mi­s­ing young artist gra­du­a­ting from LUCA School of Arts. The win­ner recei­ves a resi­d­en­cy at BAC ART LAB and Cas-co, and finan­ci­al sup­port. On December 12th’s Soft Launch, Ivar will intro­du­ce his prac­ti­ce and ide­as for the resi­d­en­cy pre­sen­ta­ti­on ope­ning on January 22nd.

His resi­d­en­cy is sup­por­ted by Myndlistarsjóður / Icelandic Visual Arts Fund.

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3Siemen van Gaubergen pre­sents Glaciers are ana­chro­nis­tic (try-out), a tri­al pre­sen­ta­ti­on at Cas-co of the artist most recent research in Greenland. 

My name is Soren, and I was part of buil­ding the road. Mostly the con­struc­ti­on side of the soil job, the gra­vel and stuff like that. And later on trans­porta­ti­on up on the ice­cap. And buil­ding the road up on the ice cap, but some­thing some ques­ti­ons that I don’t want to ans­wer becau­se I actu­al­ly sig­ned up on a paper that, the details about what was to be tested and stuff like that. I will not talk about that.” – Greenland July 2024

The pre­sen­ta­ti­on is on view Friday (at 19:00) and Saturday (at 14:00) in the pre­sen­ce of the artist. The visit is accom­pa­nied by a short lec­tu­re by the artist.