Uitwisseling MUTANX Luik

Unnamed 17

MUTANTX, the 2024 edi­ti­on of the Biennale de l’Image Possible, is excep­ti­o­nal in many ways. It takes pla­ce in an extra­or­di­na­ry loca­ti­on: the for­mer pro­vin­ci­al libra­ry of Les Chiroux, right in the heart of the city. And it’s a col­lec­ti­ve event: 13 (luc­ky num­ber?) artis­tic part­ners deci­ded to join for­ces to bre­a­the plu­ral, polypho­nic life into this immen­se disus­ed glass and con­cre­te buil­ding. Amongst them: Cas-co. The col­lab con­sisted of: BIP-cura­tor Maxime Moinet visi­ting for visits, a talk and book pre­sen­ta­ti­on (05.05), the par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on of Cas-co in the pro­fes­si­o­nal event un artist-run spa­ce à Liège?’ (30.05) and the exchan­ge resi­d­en­cy of Jan Duerinck, cul­mi­na­ting in the Open Studio and finis­sa­ge of BIP (01.06).

Exchange resi­d­en­cy: Jan Duerinck (01.0230.05)

MUTANX selec­ted Jan Duerinck for an exchan­ge resi­d­en­cy. In a prac­ti­ce that spans sculp­tu­re, pain­ting, objects and others, Jan Duerinck inves­ti­ga­tes how ima­ges, objects and forms as sig­ni­fiers car­ry and gene­ra­te mea­ning in dif­fe­rent con­texts. He medi­a­tes mea­ning in dif­fe­rent mate­ri­a­li­ties. Banality beco­mes the sub­ject of reflec­ti­on. Nothing just is, or is only what it is. During the resi­d­en­cy, Jan devel­o­ped new work and rein­te­gra­ted exis­ting work. In his research and the con­text of the for­mer libra­ry whe­re the resi­d­en­cy takes pla­ce, the dupli­ca­te beca­me a recur­ring topic. Central in his resi­d­en­cy is the cre­a­ti­on and pre­sen­ta­ti­on of a limi­ted sil­ver ring edi­ti­on. Exploring the pos­si­bi­li­ty of in situ mold­ma­king, a recur­ren­ce in Jan’s prac­ti­ce, albeit here on a smal­ler sca­le. An acci­den­tal fami­liar scrib­ble recog­ni­sa­ble as the swoosh is depic­ted on the jewel­lery series; ope­ning up a dia­lo­gue of authen­ti­ci­ty in visu­al cul­tu­re and the search for indi­vi­du­al expres­si­on therein.

Talk & Studio Visit: Maxime Monet at Cas-co (05.05)

On May 5, during Atelier in Beeld, Cas-co recei­ved cura­tor Maxime Moinet (a.o. Mouvements sans Titre, BIP, Art au Centre) for an after­noon lec­tu­re and stu­dio visits. Simultaneously, Moinet pre­sented the new Art au Centre Catalogue (Art au Centre 2022 – 23: Archives of AAC exhi­bi­ti­ons #8 to #13 + Banqueroute pro­ject), inclu­ding works by seve­r­al of cur­rent and for­mer residents.

Peer event: UN ARTIST-RUN SPACE À LIÈGE?’ at Les Ciroux (31.05)

Push the walls and invent your spa­ce: round table and col­lec­ti­ve dis­cus­si­ons around the cre­a­ti­on and mana­ge­ment of pla­ces of artis­tic pro­duc­ti­on and exhi­bi­ti­on. What are the exis­ting models, the pos­si­ble forms of socio-eco­no­mic auto­no­my? How to struc­tu­re yourself? Get finan­ced? With the inter­ven­ti­ons of SB34, Level Five and Jubilee/​Meyboom (Brussels), Cas-co (Leuven), The Balcony (The Hague), Fructôse (Dunkirk) and La Malterie (Lille)

Open Studio at Les Chiroux (01.06)

Visit Jan Duerinck, and many others, in their ate­lier this Saturday. With Arthur Cordier, Camille Lemille, Dean Kisters, Dinsdagen (Debby Huysmans, Siska Vandecasteele,Marie Snauwaert) , Eva Mancuso, Francesca Comune, Loïc Moons, Lucie Marchand, Ludivine Large-Bessette, Mikail Koçak Stéphanie Lamoline & Hélène Petite, col­lec­tif éphé­mè­re (Marie Bailly, Marion Mahoux, Thérèse Nogossiami Fofana, Marie Cormerais, Juliette Kovacs).