UFO Visitor #6: Marie Braad Larsen (Art Hub Copenhagen)

Marie Braad Larsen 1 1200x876

Marie Braad Larsen has been part of Art Hub Copenhagen sin­ce March 2019 and has been a part of the team devel­o­ping the insti­tu­ti­o­nal fra­me­work for the orga­ni­za­ti­on. Marie is the pro­gram coo­r­di­na­tor and pro­ject mana­ger and runs the resi­d­en­cy pro­grams at Art Hub in clo­se col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with direc­tor Jacob Fabricius. Apart from this, Marie Braad Larsen cura­tes two recur­ring pro­grams cal­l­ed BAR x and Free Lunch series. BAR x is a month­ly cura­ted eve­ning event with per­for­man­ces, scree­nings, etc. Free Lunch is Art Hubs take on a casu­al, yet pro­fes­si­o­nal for­mat for artist talks. The set­ting is a lunch table aiming at cre­a­ting an infor­mal atmos­p­he­re for the artist pre­sen­ting their prac­ti­ce. In addi­ti­on to the public pro­grams and resi­den­cies, Marie is also coo­r­di­na­ting the cur­rent exhi­bi­ti­on pro­gram at Art Hub in col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with the direc­tors’ Lars Bang Larsen and Jacob Fabricius. 

Marie holds a bache­lor in Fine Arts from Chelsea College of Art in London and an MA in visu­al cul­tu­re from Copenhagen University. Since 2018 she has been a co-cura­tor at Roskilde Festival. Additionally, on a bian­nu­al basis, she co-runs an art exhi­bi­ti­on based in a gar­den soci­e­ty in the outs­kirts of Copenhagen, cal­l­ed the Garden Biennale, with ten other cura­tors and artists.